Cats. Cats here, cats there, cats everywhere! They follow me, I swear it. Every time I go out in public, I only have to throw a glance over my shoulder and see one stalking me. There are black ones, skinny ones, tabby ones, Siamese and even those massive Mancoons. That’s right, stalking. They don’t walk, they don’t prance; they stalk. It’s all because of the time I insulted a cat…
I was
walking along a road in the middle of the day and everything was as sweet as
honey. I was even whistling and you must know; I never whistle. So as I passed
the corner of Manson and Bly streets, I came across as strange assortment of
creatures. One was a dog, one was a budgie, another was a frog and there,
sitting in front of the group was a black cat.
eyes were as yellow as a squash and fur as silky black as a flowing river in
the middle of a moonless night. Each ear was pricked forward, listening to the
unintelligible babble of the animals around it and a knowing smile spread
across the lips. “Could this be the
Cheshire cat, the one from that bizarre story of a girl down a rabbit hole?”
I thought as my pace halted half-way around the corner. “No, you’re just being stupid.” I did notice one thing though. One
thing so significant that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. As I neared a little
closer to the group, the cat turned and spoke with a strange British accent:
rude to eavesdrop you know. Please mind you own business.”
My jaw
dropped to the ground beneath me. Boy, did my perspective change on this
animal. I had just witnessed a cat talking, shaking his paw at me as if to shoo
me away he continued to glare.
can’t talk!” I shouted back at him with my mouth in the shape of a vortex of
you stupid humans don’t listen that often do you? Only when you want to find
out some juicy news or some gossip,” he retorted with another sharp jab of his
paw into the air, “Shoo now.”
to the core, I was quick to lose my temper. I wasn’t as cool as a cucumber
anymore, panic began to overwhelm me. “Am
I mad? Have I really lost it?” flew around my mind as it tried to make
sense of the boggled mess it was in.
shoo me, you stupid dirty animal,” I boldly replied. But as I did so, I knew
that it was a mistake.
the narrowing of those golden orbs, the cat screeched one syllable which
erupted into a pandemonium of legs flying everywhere. The bird pecked at my
ears, the frog launched himself onto my face, the dog bit my leg and the cat
just went berserk in all the wrong places. Now the sky began to whirl and new
points of pain erupted all over my body as these animals attacked me.
for the inspiration for my next show,” said a clown as he walked by and didn’t
bother helping.
Once I
had disentangled my legs from the legs and wings of various other animals, I
raced home as fast as I could only stopping once to look back at those
all-knowing eyes watching me, always watching. So that is why cats stalk me and
hunt me both in my dreams and in the real world. The worst thing about it is
that there’s a crazy cat lady next door and you know what that means…
(Attempt at Comic Short Story)
nice posting :)